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Antenatal Care at Arete Health

Obstetrician and Gynaecologist in Sydney

Congratulations on your pregnancy – such special times ahead! Every pregnancy is exciting and thank you for choosing us to support you throughout your pregnancy.

Dr Chan and Dr Mansoor recommend that you contact us to book your first appointment as soon as you know you are pregnant. Most women will have their first appointment between 7 and 10 weeks gestation for a dating scan, where you will see your baby for the first time.

We will then see you once every four weeks up to 28 weeks gestation, fortnightly until 36 weeks gestation and weekly until the delivery of your baby. 

For example, once you see us at 10 weeks gestation, it will be followed by visits at 14, 20, 24, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36 weeks and then weekly until delivery. 


At every visit, we will discuss any concerns you may have. We recommend you list these questions because you may forget to ask them during the visit.


Dr Chan and Dr Mansoor only takes a set number of new patients every month to ensure we provides adequate time to provide the best possible care and support for all her patients. We would always try to see all our patients in a timely manner, although occasionally there may be a delay. This is usually because we have to deliver another baby during the consulting session!

Postnatal Care

Your postnatal visit will be 6 weeks after delivery of your baby. Your partner and your baby are very welcome to attend this appointment. Dr Chan and Dr Mansoor love to see how all their delivered babies and families are doing for those first few weeks.

Blood Tests

A set of routine blood test is usually done between 7 – 10 weeks gestation:

  • Full blood count – for anemia

  • VDRL – Testing for syphilis

  • Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV

  • Rubella – Immunity check to German Measles

  • Blood group

  • Antibody status (Rhesus positive or negative)

  • Varicella Zoster – Immunity check to chicken pox

  • Other tests may also be recommended depending on you and your family history such as early GTT (to check for diabetes), thyroid test, Vitamin D levels, Ferritin

A repeat full blood count, iron studies and diabetes blood test will be organised between at 26 – 28 weeks, and another full blood count again at 36 weeks.

Pregnancy Ultrasounds

Dr Chan and Dr Mansoor will perform a dating scan at your first visit and an ultrasound scan at every visit for you to have a chance to look at your baby. There will be no additional cost for this ultrasound. If there is a discrepancy on the baby’s size and your period dates, We may send you to have a formal ultrasound.


We will also send you to an ultrasound specialists for the following scans:-


Dr Chan and Dr Mansoor may also recommend growth scans to check the well-being of the baby. This will be discussed during your antenatal appointments

Interested in knowing more about pregnancy ultrasounds?

Genetic Testing

Genetic testing is a complex topic and there are several tests available to you. These tests are primarily aimed at testing for Down Syndrome. In addition to the blood tests, urine tests and ultrasounds, these genetic tests are looking for various genetic conditions in your baby. Note that these tests are optional.


Genetics tests available include:

  • Genetic carrier screening test (Standard or Expanded)

  • Prenatal screening tests

    • Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT)

    • First trimester combined screening

  • Diagnostic testing

    • CVS (chorionic villous sampling)

    • Amniocentesis


Dr Chan and Dr Mansoor will provide you with the necessary expert advice on the different types of tests and options available for you and your baby. It’s important to understand the choices and what you would do with the results. As your private obstetrician, Dr Chan and Dr Mansoor are here to provide the best possible pregnancy care and support you in making the best-informed decision for your pregnancy.

Gestational Diabetes Testing

Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a common type of diabetes affecting up to 18% of pregnant women. Your body undergoes a lot of changes during a pregnancy. One of the hormonal changes may causes insulin resistance.


A glucose tolerance test (GTT) is recommended at 26 – 28 weeks gestation (and earlier between 12-16 weeks if you have risk factors). This is a fasting blood test. You will need to fast, generally overnight, for 8-12 hours prior to having your GTT test. You are allowed to some water.


After an initial blood test, you will be given a glucose drink. Further blood tests will be performed at 1 hour and then 2 hours after the drink to check your blood sugar level. As you will be at the lab for more than 2 hours, do bring along a book or movies to watch on your mobile phone or tablet.

Group B Streptococcus Screening (GBS)

Group B Streptococcus (GBS) is a type of bacteria that live in our bodies. It is commonly found in the intestines, rectum or vagina.


If you happen to carry GBS while you’re healthy, it is not a disease and does not require treatment. About 20% of women have GBS in their vagina around the time of giving birth.

It is important to know that GBS is not a sexually transmitted disease or caused by poor hygiene. We test for GBS between 35-37 weeks with a vaginal swab. Occasionally women might have had a urine test in pregnancy which has GBS – we would treat this as GBS positive.


Breastfeeding is safe even if you are GBS positive

Overdue Pregnancy

If you have not given birth by 40 week and 4 days, we will organise a CTG to check the well-being of your baby


To reduce the risk of complications, you will be offered an Induction of Labour at or shortly after 41 weeks.

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